Home > School Days

School Days

September 16th, 2008 at 08:49 pm

It's finals week. I was stressing all weekend. I didn't have my final projects ready to go and I was worried about the tests tomorrow and Thursday. I can swing it, and I did with my papers. I had to finish typing it last night and do a presentation today. I have such faith in myself that I winged two presentations and did great on both of them. It helps that I can make the class and teacher laugh, and I think that is what bumps my score up.
With my first presentation, we just sorta talked about why we picked the topic we did and threw out some facts that we had on some charts. I also had some extra charts that were printed in black and white that we passed around. PLUS
The presentation I did today was about psychedelic drugs and I talked about how they could help people and how I don't recommend using them without a DR supervision. When I told them that there was nothing in my paper about the street usage and where to obtain, but they could see me after class. The teacher even laughed, knowing that I was joking.
I love the fact that I have a year under my belt and my second year doesn't seem that it will be that hard.
School is going great. I love the challenge it is giving me too.

1 Responses to “School Days”

  1. sillyoleme Says:

    Haha, I would've laughed at your drug joke too. I always loved the feeling of walking out of a class knowing that I just nailed something, whether it was a presentation, quiz, or exam. But then again, there were plenty of times when I walked out NOT feeling so well about my performance! Big Grin

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