Home > Working it out

Working it out

September 12th, 2008 at 10:27 pm

I previously posted about my weight loss and how reporting to you, the public, I could get better results. My money issues have since cleared up and I have focused on fixing my credit and saving money for my family's future.
My neighbor, not my cousin, came to me today and offered to walk the road with me every morning when our kids get on the bus. She is very skinny and is trying to build muscle. I am trying to quit smoking and lose weight.
Her idea of doing it everyday, at least every weekday, and recording the info: how long we walked, what our pedometers say, time and date, was a great idea. The fact that she asked me to do it with her makes me feel good too. She cares about my health and I do hers too.

We are very good friends, have been living next to each other for over four years, and have made a connection between our families.
We will now step into another demention together: Health.

I believe I will start a new page on the side bar to track our progress too.
Thanks for all your support!

1 Responses to “Working it out”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    Thats a great thing! I hope she keeps up to her end of the bargain.

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