Home > Saving Money the Old Fashioned Way

Saving Money the Old Fashioned Way

July 9th, 2008 at 01:33 pm

I bought a pig.
It looks so cute.
I tell myself that he needs to be fed everyday or he will die.
I put all the change I can find in him, and he still smiles at me.
I was feeding him some green stuff, but that got expensive.
I am also trying to quit smoking, and by putting the money I would have used to buy cigarettes into my pig, I have saved a little dough.
I still smoke, and don't get to feed the pig a lot everyday. I still feed him and try to smoke less and less.
Every little bit helps.
My smarty pig account is helping too.
You can check it out on the side bar.
Start your own, ITS FREE!!!!!

5 Responses to “Saving Money the Old Fashioned Way”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    I thought you were going to talk about money under mattresses, but feeding little piggies works too.

  2. Aleta Says:

    Those little piggy's work. It add's up before you know it. If it stays in your purse or wallet; it will be spent.

  3. toyguy1963 Says:

    Ohh my. When I started reading your post I thought you meant you bought a real pig and were going to eat him. LOL.
    I had to re-read the first part a couple of times before it sunk in. I'm sure its not your post, I'm just
    not totally with it today myself.
    Good luck with the savings. Feeding that pig definately
    does add up.

  4. gamecock43 Says:

    your magic 8 ball told me I will be going to the gym today. That suprised me, but I am happy about it.

  5. Aleta Says:

    toyguy1963: I thought the same thing. I thought she bought a little piggy. Everyone is trying to save money on their food budget. Really enjoyed reading it.

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