Home > Thank You

Thank You

June 22nd, 2008 at 12:40 am

21,500 Visits to my page!
Thank you for all your support and help you have given me in the last six months.
I have been spending more time reading posts than posting posts, but I am learning more and more everyday.
Thank you to the people who started and spend their days making this site what it is.

2 Responses to “Thank You”

  1. Amber Says:

    I enjoy your blogs

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Thank you, too! I love hearing about other people's attempts to be frugal on here, because it seems like in my real life only my family and I are frugal (and we're not even as thrifty as most of the people on this site). We talk about it sometimes to people because it's a big part of our lives and what we think about, and I feel like people don't say anything back, and just look at us like they feel sorry for us for being so petty. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be free of financial problems in a decade and be well on my way to saving for a good retirement, and then the friends will understand why we were doing this! Smile

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