Home > Rent is due

Rent is due

June 13th, 2008 at 02:16 am

I have saved and scrimped for rent this month. I only bought gas, paid for daycare for the week, and only bought lunch one time, spending $6.52 total.
I think that we can make it. As long as my DH check is as large as it should be, we will be okay.
My Grandma told me to come and get her credit card to buy my Grandpa his Father's Day gift. I would be happy to go and get him something that he wants.
He never asks for anything anyway.
He deserves it!
He asked for a weed eater, gas powered with a metal blade and a strap to keep some of the weight off his arms.
That will be nice.
She will be happy that I won't ask her for help with rent, even though I will ask her to write the check.
Thanks to that woman, and my Mother a time or two, I have never been late with my rent in over 4 years.

2 Responses to “Rent is due”

  1. Paula Says:

    What extenuating circumstances have you and your family faced this month that keeps you from being able to make your rent?

  2. HelpMeFriend Says:

    My car keeps breaking in one way or another. After all said and done, I think that my engine has cost me $500. this month alone. That is close to what rent costs.
    To top it all off, I got a flat tire yesterday and had to use my donut spare. Now I need to buy a new tire.

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