Home > School is great

School is great

June 11th, 2008 at 12:57 pm

Finals are next week and I couldn't be more thrilled. I am doing great in my classes and I am looking forward to a week out of school.
I do wish I were working more often. Right now, I can barely pay the rent, with DH making $15.00 per hour.
That is sad. For 4 years, I made everything happen for $6.50-$8.00 per hour, and that includes all food and extras that were purchased in that time. I am a little resentful that DH has money in his pocket now, while that whole time and now I have nothing but change.
He does know that it is rough and I am not working as much now, but he doesn't think that he should have to give all his money to the family. I know you need gas money, I know you want to buy lunch with the guys at Dick's Bodacious Bar-B-Que, but that isn't fair to me or the children. I didn't have "spending money" forever. I still don't and that is why my credit cards look the way they do. I have put my foot down and refuse to borrow any money from my mother or grandmother. I think that he will have to exhaust his parents and family the way I have mine.
With him working so much and making twice what I did, why are things so hard? What is happening that I didn't see before?
I'll make it, I just don't want to stress anymore.

2 Responses to “School is great”

  1. mom-sense Says:

    Sounds to me like you guys needs to get on the same page as far as money management and a budget. Put the man in charge of the money (if he is making it). Then he'll see the wisdom of economic choice. How can you possibly concentrate on academics with this going on?

  2. HelpMeFriend Says:

    If I let him have control over the finances, nothing would get paid. Not that I am doing a great job of paying everything on time, but at least they are paid.
    For all extensive purposes, he is in charge. Like you said, he is making the money, so he has control.

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