Home > Smarty Pig is helping me save first

Smarty Pig is helping me save first

June 5th, 2008 at 02:28 am

When the money is taken right out of your account every month, you really can save. I am earning interest on the cash that was in my checking account earning nothing. I am truly working hard on spending only on needed things.
A rebutal to a previous comment on a post of mine: We needed a new bed! The Wii is just another piece of plastic from China but a bed was an absolute necessity due to back problems of my DH who works hard as a construction worker. If he hurts when he works, that hurts us. We can't afford to have him off work either.
The Wii was also a birthday present for me from my dear Momma, so there will be no extra controlers, games that are $50 a pop, or any other extravagance coming from me into this house.
The water bill is bad, my phone is shut off, and Rent is due in 10 days. I have no plans to even rent a game in the next 6 months.

2 Responses to “Smarty Pig is helping me save first”

  1. aevans1206 Says:

    Can you sell the wii on ebay or post on craigslist? Go through your house and find things you can post on craigslist. I've had people to my house the same day to make purchases. It does work!

  2. HelpMeFriend Says:

    Are you crazy? I waited forever for it and got it as a birthday present.
    I wouldn't even try to sell the items that are still of use to me. You get rid of things that are not helping you and taking up space.

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