Home > My picnic in the park

My picnic in the park

April 15th, 2008 at 06:55 pm

Between my management and business math classes, I have an hour break. I am thankful, as during finals, I can study for the hardest subject.
I, for now, have no problem getting my homework done at night, or the day it is assigned in class. I spent my hour today at the park, with a packed lunch of a lunchable, crackers and cheese, and Mt. Dew with water.
I listened to my Harry Potter Book by CD from my car. I placed a blanket on the grass, opened my lunch, and enjoyed my time greatly.

I look forward to doing this again, at least once more by Thursday. As I still have house work that I need to finish when I get out of school, I have been letting work slide more than I should.

My last check was for four hours. I get paid every two weeks. You figure it out.

I am anticipating a problem with my work/school schedules this summer. I work a lot at night durring the summer. I don't get home till 3 am sometimes.
What makes me think that after going to bed early, still having to get up early for my children, will I want to go to school after a late night.
I also cannot take a break in classes this summer as I had hoped.
My children will begin their school a month after I do, and I was wanting to be home with them.

I will speak with my advisor, or a new one, since I never talk to my own, and figure up a plan that works out.

$30 saved for my chest freezer and $30 saved for the family Wii.
By Christmas, I will own one of these two things.
I also will have to start my emergancy fund back up. My CD was doing that, but I cashed it in to get out of a hole I was in.

Going over bank recocillation in business math is teaching me to check my work twice when working with my money.
I think it is helping!

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