Home > CD matures early

CD matures early

April 10th, 2008 at 01:02 pm

I was trying to wait until August to get my $1000. I really was.
I can't wait anymore. I thought the penalty was going to be a lot more also. They stated that one month of intrest is all they took off. Really? With rates this low, I only stood to gain $32 for the six months anyway. I ended up making $2.03 off it, and I can pay the bills that are behind. I was trying to be a responsible parent and save money from our tax return. And I succeeded for two months.
I need car repairs, they are turning my cable off every two weeks, and the water bill is OUTRAGEOUS! With the money, I can get back to paid in full and go on with our lives.
I will continue to save money for our goals, such as a chest freezer, Wii, and new clothes for next fall.
I don't think that me taking the money out of the bank for needs was a bad choice. Should I have gone into debt or collections when I have the money there? NO. I also won't blow the money on dining out, new clothes now, or the awe inspiring Wii that we don't NEED.
I am also taking a business math class this quarter, so that will help me to keep up with my recording of all my spending. I have all these receipts and no were to put them. I will be entering them into an excel program, as well as
Thanks for your support in my decision, that I made on a whim yesterday, but it paid off in the end. At least I hope it does.

2 Responses to “CD matures early”

  1. sillyoleme Says:

    Sometimes you've got to do that kind of stuff! I think it's much better that you've paid your bills than letting them affect your credit. Plus, maybe if you have a little left over, you can put it back into your Emergency Fund or start saving it towards your other goals.

    The fact that you put it away for 2 months is good, too. Just think if you had already spent it on clothes or eating out!

  2. Carolina Bound Says:

    Sometimes you can be TOO aggressive about saving and hurt your ability to pay bills. I don't blame you at all for cashing out early when you needed to.

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