Home > Laundry Money

Laundry Money

February 6th, 2008 at 09:14 pm

Woo Hoo!! Before I could even get to the computer and tell you that I found money in the washer, I found more money. I was washing a load of everyone's jeans. Who knows where it came from? Oh well, it's in the challenge bucket now.

3 Responses to “Laundry Money”

  1. Sallyr70 Says:

    How much did you find? My BF is notorious for leaving money in his pockets (dollars and coins), so I look before washing, and anything I find is mine. It's my reward for doing 95% of the washing!! Smile

  2. Ann Gray Says:

    I have a small business and need to locate money for the business.

  3. HELPmeFind Says:

    You're not going to find it in my washer!

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