August 11th, 2008 at 04:46 pm
I have already paid $15 to one credit card, $30 to another card, and tried to set up paying off my cable bill, but the lady was uncoopertive so I will call back later today and see who I get on the other line.
Also, I will be focusing on my budget on Mondays. I have called the bank and checked out what checks have cleared and what has not.
I wrote a check for my son's tuition that is due every week. Lunch $ has been sent in. Drinks have been bought for the week.
I hadn't planned for a lot of money this month, so when I get my check in three or four weeks that has all these hours on it, I will be really happy.
I am working 7 days this week, going to school for four of those and getting the little ones off to school and being there for them when they get home for five. I guess money is needed and I can survive.
If I don't post for more than two weeks, then it did kill me.
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Loving my budget,
School Days,
Growing my Savings,
Take this job and ...,
Money Management
August 4th, 2008 at 02:55 pm
Add $1.73 to my challenge money.
I have been working a lot lately and I found some change on the ground last night.
It helps that I tell everyone to empty their pockets right in front of me too.
I would not pick up money that someone dropped in front of me that wanted it.
I would help them pick it up and give it to them.
I pick up the change that no one else has grabbed when there are no people and I am not busy.
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
Growing my Savings,
Take this job and ...
July 31st, 2008 at 04:44 pm
For the longest time I believed I deserved money. I didn't want to work for it, even though I am a hard worker. Still, I thought I was entitled to some money. Now that I am working more than one or two days a week, I want my money even more. I have spent an extra $25 in gas just to get to and from work. I also have been buying my dinner from a truck that they have on site. I would take my dinner, but there is no where to put it, fridge/cooler, and there is no guarantee that it would be there after I worked for 4 hours on the other side of the venue.
I have been bringing my lunch to school, saving me not money, but saving me from being hungry. I know better than to buy junk food from a vending machine.
Maybe when I get my degree from college I can get a job that I will have no problems having lunch there and maybe even my own fridge in my office with all the Mountian Dew I can drink!!!
One can only hope!
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
School Days,
Take this job and ...